Less Me… More Jesus

I am selfish. There, I said it. Can you relate to this statement? It’s not something I am proud of, but it is something I struggle with on a daily basis. As I go about my day, my eyes can easily become focused on myself. I end up thinking about myself first as I make […]

Sin in the Drop-off Loop

Few things in this world terrify me more than the drop-off loop at my daughter’s elementary school. Does this seem like a silly fear? I know it sounds ridiculous, but let me explain. Every year, parents turn to social media to vent their frustrations about dropping their children off at school using the drop-off loop. They […]

Saying Yes!

I can remember it vividly. My church was selling bibles. I can see them stacked near the front right-hand corner of the church where I was sitting with my family. They were burgundy with gold letters, and I remember thinking how beautiful they were. I asked my mom to buy me one, and I’m not […]