Insecure, Imperfect & Graciously Loved

Have you ever felt something laid on your heart that you feel you are called to do or be? Then, out of fear, you push it out of your mind and explain it away. I have resisted God for several years now. Each time explaining it away by focusing on my weaknesses and my inability to accomplish what he was asking.  “You must have the wrong person. I’m not good enough. I don’t have time for this right now. What could I possibly have to say that someone else would want to read?” But in all of my stubbornness, God has been persistent and has opened my heart to this opportunity. So here I am, in all of my weakness, choosing to listen.

If I’m being completely honest, I am terrified as I sit here and write this post. You see, I am not a writer. I am terrible at grammar and my husband jokes that I’m not allowed to help the kids with their spelling homework. I even Googled the word “inspiring” as I created this site out of fear I would spell it wrong. I am insecure, imperfect, and graciously loved for who I am by our God.

I believe with all of my heart that God can use each and every one of us well beyond our own abilities for his glory. Not because of our strengths, but because in our weakness HIS strength is made perfect. ‘But he said to me, “my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.’ 2 Cor 12:9.

As women, I find we are quick to focus on our weaknesses. We compare ourselves to others and feel “less than”. We are created in the image of God (let that really sink in!) to be exactly who we are and yet we long to be someone else. More outgoing, more successful, more patient, kinder, stronger and the list can go on. I have had beautiful, strong women of faith share with me that they feel they are not enough in so many areas of life. We are all imperfect. We all have faults and weaknesses, but I believe it is how we perceive them and respond to them that matters. Are we approaching our weaknesses as an opportunity for God’s strength to shine through? Do we earnestly ask God for his strength in these areas and give Him the glory when we receive it? I encourage you today to choose an area where you feel weak and call on God’s strength. His grace is sufficient for all of us and his power is made perfect in our weakness.

My dream is to foster a safe place where women can gather to see God’s strength in our weakness, build each other up, pray for each other, and INSPIRE others to love God and shine his light into the world. It is only through God’s strength that this dream will be realized and I pray you will join me on this wonderful journey of messy imperfection covered in his grace.

One Reply to “Insecure, Imperfect & Graciously Loved”

  1. Jane Forsythe says:

    Well said Dana, thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone and encouraging us all to do so. I believe God will be fairhful to use you in other womens lives.

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