Be Still. Wait – What!?!

How often in life are you still? And I don’t mean still on the couch watching yet another Netflix episode at midnight. I mean still in the presence of God. Quiet and still enough to hear His voice speaking to your heart.

One of my Mom’s favorite verses in the bible is “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. I have highlighted it in my bible and marked it as Mom’s favorite verse so that when my children and grandchildren look back someday they will know that fun fact. I have crafted and put it on a shadow box for her as a gift. You know what I never did? Took the verse to heart and applied it to my life. Sure I knew God is God, but it was the “still” part that I neglected.

If you are anything like me and most women I know,  your life is anything but still. Our society today almost seems to commend you for being busy and rushed with your life packed so full you need more hours in the day to simply accomplish everything to which you have committed yourself.  Even when I’m not “busy” I used to invent ways to keep myself busy and moving. If I’m being completely transparent, if I’m not intentional about it, I still fall into these patterns. You see, in my mind stillness is equated with laziness. If I’m not moving, then I’m not being productive and that is just unacceptable. In my eyes, everything has to be finished and in order before I can rest. And let’s be real… how often in life are things ever finished and in order?

And then God’s grace got me in a way I never expected it, and I didn’t even realize it at the time. About 3 years ago a chronic illness rocked my world. Through the grace of God, my prayers have been answered and I have experienced tremendous healing over the past 3 years. But, it’s not the healing that can be seen in blood work and functional abilities, its the healing of my soul that most astounds me. God slowed me down and the learning and growth I experienced through this time has been astonishing.

Stillness and rest are two things that I have learned to graciously accept, and now realize their profound impact on life. In stillness, we connect with God. If we are busy running so fast through life that we cannot connect with God, we are going to miss out on something amazing.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

“You will find rest for your souls.” Read that again. “You will find rest for your souls.” We all know about the importance of sleep to rest our bodies and how important it is for your well-being. (If you are not getting enough sleep I strongly encourage you to look at that, but that is a completely different topic for another day.) But, how often do we stop and think about resting our souls? I know I didn’t.

When I was burdened with illness, stress, and anxiety, God gently taught me to be still. And in that stillness I found rest for my soul. In that stillness I brought my burdens to the Lord and He brought me rest. In my weakness His strength has shown into my life.

What is on your mind today? What in life is burdening you and making you weary? Find time today to be still. Leave the dishes in the sink and that email unread. Sit quietly. Open your heart to God. Pour out to him what is on your mind. Meditate on scripture. Then sit in silence with your heart open and feel His grace pour into your heart and rest your soul.