Timeless words.

Have you ever read a verse from scripture and your heart froze in your chest? The moment you read it, you knew that God intended you to read that particular verse, at that exact moment in time. It continually amazes me how scripture was written thousands of years ago, and yet, it is as relevant today as it was on the day it was written. It is timeless.

I still have it in original form<3

About 10 years ago, my husband and I decided we wanted to start a family. The next few years were full of pain as we struggled with infertility and loss. During this time, I was working in a hospital. I slipped a bible verse and some of my favorite pictures into a sheet protector and taped it to the front of the clipboard I carried around with me throughout the day.

The verse was Mark 11:23-24, “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘go cast yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believe what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Have you walked through something in life that has hurt so badly you wonder how you will ever draw another breath or survive another day? This describes that point in my life. As I longed to have a child for two years, and then proceeded to miscarry our first child, I didn’t know how I would ever heal and continue on with life.  

Looking back, I know it was the grace of God that carried me through this time. And I believe He used this verse, among others, to minster to my heart and ease my pain. I am sharing this with you because I want to impress upon you the profound impact scripture can have on your life.

Last night, as I was reading my bible, Mark 11:23-24 nearly leapt off the page at me! I’ve learned that when a verse jumps out at you, it’s always worth a second look, even if you have read it hundreds of times before. This particular verse was very familiar and my heart was warmed reading the words; but, it wasn’t just familiar, it also felt new and fresh. God had something new to tell me through this scripture, it was not just a reminder of a more difficulty period in my life.

As I was pondering this verse in my heart, I jumped down to the footnotes in my “Life Application Study Bible” and this is what I read…

This made me sit back and reflect on my prayer life. Maybe I should have know better, but I was not aware that I am suppose to specifically think of these things when I am praying. A scripture, that once gave me hope and comfort in the midst of infertility and loss, is now calling me to work on my prayer life and my personal relationship with God.  I allowed this new knowledge to shape my prayers last night, and I don’t think I can put into words how this new way of praying filled my heart with hope, joy, trust, and a renewed excitement.

I love how God uses exactly the right scripture, at exactly the right time in life, to communicate on a deeply intimate level with me. I am in awe that as I read the bible throughout my life, what I gain from a particular verse will change based on what I need in life at that particular time. God’s word is ALWAYS relevant. It is timeless.

Is there a particular verse that God keeps speaking to your heart? I encourage you today to take some quiet time to really focus on that verse and try to discern what it is that the Holy Spirit is trying to communicate to you regarding your life today. You may find that you will be amazed at what happens when you truly open your heart to the voice of God. 

May God bless you with wisdom and discernment, to truly hear what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through God’s word today.