To Do: Grow Relationship

Have you ever been so busy “doing” that you lose relationship?

Life can be very busy. We juggle so many things including work, managing a home, feeding a family, taking kids to activities, and so much more.  There never seems to be enough hours in the day and we race around trying to fit 48 hours of work into 24 hours. Some days we are so focused on checking off the tasks on our to do lists, that we push aside the relationships with the very people for whom we are doing these activities to serve. 

We go to the dry cleaners to pick up our husband’s laundry, but then we fail to greet him with a smile and ask him how his day was with the intent to listen. We take our kids to activities, pack their back packs and lunches, and make sure homework is completed, but do we take the time to sit down, give them our undivided attention, and listen to them after school? 

Sometimes, we are so busy doing things for the people in our lives that we love, that we miss the fact that what they truly want isn’t clean laundry, fancy meals, or yet another evening activity. What makes all the difference in the world is the time we spend with those we love and the relationships that form as a result.

How relevant is this to our relationship to God? We pack our days full of tasks, some of them which we justify are for Him, and then try to fit Him in when we have time.  As we collapse into our beds, utterly exhausted from the day, we realize we didn’t once spend time with God.

This past week, I was busying myself with things that I thought were good. In addition to being a mother of two and an occupational therapist, I am currently involved in three bible studies, reading about 3-4 different Christian books, and helping to develop a group at my church. I don’t say this in a prideful manner. I say this because this past week I was humbled. Humbled by God’s gentle whispers. He first spoke through a dear friend, and then directly to my heart.

God, like my husband and children, wants to spend time with me. Quiet time spent in prayer, time spent reading the Word, time spent just listening and sitting in His presence. How often do we get so busy doing what we think is good and necessary that we forget to listen to what God’s will is for our lives? 

Rick Warren states in the Purpose Driven Life, “It is impossible to do everything people want you to do. You have just enough time to do God’s will. If you can’t get it all done, it means you’re trying to do more than God intended for you to do (or possibly, that you’re watching too much TV).

What I learned this week is that we need to be careful to not confuse our agenda, no matter how good it may seem, with the will of God in our lives. I encourage you to make relationship a priority. Spend time with God, so that He can speak to your heart, and make known what it is that He intends for you to do with your time.  Then, enjoy the freedom and joy that comes from living in relationship with God and breaking free from your to do list and agenda.