Refreshing Hearts

Often times, when I sit down to read the bible, I go to books and verses that I know and that have touched my life in some way in the past. These verses are like a beautiful song that sing right to my soul and bring encouragement, comfort, and often times conviction and renewed energy. 

Recently, it struck me that if I spend all of my time reading scripture that I know and love, I am missing out on a whole lot of opportunity to hear from God! God may be waiting on me to read the one chapter book of Philemon in order to use it to speak directly to my heart. And yesterday, that’s exactly what He did.

I flipped to Philemon and began reading, and I am so grateful that I did. “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” Philemon 1:7.

The footnotes in my Life Application Study Bible stated, “Are you a refreshing influence on others, or do your attitude and temperament add to the burden they carry? Instead of draining other’s energy and motivation with complaints and problems, replenish their spirits by encouragement, love, and a helpful attitude.”

As I held this verse in my heart for the past two days and thought about the meaning in my life, I was able to examine my attitudes and temperament and give thought to how they affect the people in my life. I opened my heart to the Lord and I am allowing His word to change me to be more like Christ. 

Maybe this verse means a lot to you right now. Maybe it doesn’t. Either way, that’s not the point. The point is that it meant a lot to my life right now, and had I not opened my bible and turned to this page, I would have missed it. I would have stayed the same. And staying the same is not my goal. My goal is to be different. To listen to the will of God in my life, so that all that remains in my heart is Him. Do you want to be different? To be more like the person God created you to be and less like what the world shapes us to be?

I encourage you to sit down with your bible (or open the bible app), even if you have never opened it in your life, and start reading. I shared with you my experience with scripture this week, but it’s just that, mine. God wants to speak fresh words to you today. Open the book or open the app and open your heart.

If you are seeking God, but find yourself thinking, “Sure that’s fine for you, but I just don’t/can’t connect with God like that and don’t even know where to start.” Will you please pray with me, as I have prayed this many times for myself, and know that I am praying for you?

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am seeking, but oh how I struggle! I want to know You and I want to have a relationship with You, but I don’t know how. Lord, please open my heart to You. Allow me to hear Your voice and pull me closer to You. I know how much You love me Lord, and I long to be in a loving relationship with You and to know You better. Please teach me how to do this. This I pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.

May God bless each of us to be more like Christ and to use us to be refreshing to the hearts of others.