Living with Intention

Do you live your life on purpose? Or do you let life happen to you? We are pulled in so many directions every single day, and I have found that if we are not intentional with our time, it will pass just the same.

I realized that so much of my time was spent doing things, but I often felt as though I didn’t accomplish the things that meant the most to me. Have you ever felt this way? 

According to, intentional is defined as: done on purpose; deliberate.  Instead of making New Year resolutions this past year, I chose intentional to be my word for the year. I loved the idea of choosing one word that would help me to achieve my goals and keep me focused throughout the year. To remind me to use my time with purpose.

I did an awesome job being intentional at first. And then life happened. I got sick. The kids got sick. My husband went out of town. Life got hard and my best intentions went out the window.

When it comes to my laundry and cleaning schedule, I’m not too broken hearted when my best intentions fail. When it comes to my relationship with God, I am devastated when I pick my head up from whatever distraction has been demanding my time and realize how far I have strayed from Him.

Have you ever gone an entire day without once thinking about God? Have you gone a week without seriously praying? Have you gone months without reading the bible? I have. It’s humbling to admit, but I think that it is important so that you know you are not alone if you answered yes to any of these question

Sadly, if I am not very intentional about spending time with God, my days can easily be filled with things of this world and my time spent with God suffers. I’m not sure if this will speak to anyone, but if you also answered yes to those questions but you find yourself longing for more, I encourage you to begin being intentional about spending time with God.  Just like you set aside times for appointments, meetings, playdates, and girls’ night, set aside time daily to spend with God. 

Don’t let another day go without thinking about your heavenly Father who loves you dearly. Don’t go another week without pouring yourself out to Him and then filling up with His goodness and grace through prayer. Don’t go another month without reading the life-giving word of God, that has the ability to transform your life.

Be intentional.