Saying Yes!

I can remember it vividly. My church was selling bibles. I can see them stacked near the front right-hand corner of the church where I was sitting with my family. They were burgundy with gold letters, and I remember thinking how beautiful they were. I asked my mom to buy me one, and I’m not sure why, but I was expecting to hear “no.” Much to my delight she said “yes!” When we got home, I carefully filled out the front cover of my precious new bible. I wrote my name, the date, that it was from my mom, and under occasion I wrote, “want to study it.” 

My 1st bible. 

At the age of 10, I felt a strong desire to know God’s word and to study the bible. The problem I ran into is that I had no idea what I was doing! Picking up the bible and reading can be overwhelming and it is easy to get discouraged. Whether we are 10, 20, 40, or 70, I think we can face this same problem. We feel a longing in our hearts, but we are not sure where to begin. After my initial calling to study the word of God, it would take me another 14 years until I truly began this journey. 

It was just about 10 years ago that I attended my first bible study. A dear friend of mine invited me, and this experience changed the course of my life. I want you to know that it was not without fear or hesitation that I went. The unknown can often be scary, even when what is unknown is something that we know is good. The particular study is not of importance, it was the experience that mattered. Being surrounded by women of all stages of life, many who had spent years in the word and were full of wisdom, understanding, and a deep personal relationship with our savior, was what stirred the Spirit in my soul. 

Everyone experiences scripture differently, but in my life, it was through bible studies that my hunger for the word was sparked and continues to grow. I went from never reading the bible to hungering for more and not being able to put it down. You can find studies at your local churches, online, or even with apps on your phone.  What I love most about studies is the community that they bring. You are held accountable to be in the word and God uses the members of your group to teach you and help you grow.  God intended us for community.

Image from 

Maybe you are in a season of life where you don’t feel being involved in a bible study is feasible. You have 2, 3, or 4 small children at home. You are working long hours. You just can’t seem to make it work. In this season of life, I encourage you to realize your need for God and to be intentional making time and about putting Him first in life. It will positively affect every other aspect of your life.

During a particularly busy season of my life I working full time, my husband was working long hours, I had just moved hours away from my family, and I was raising small children. I was no longer able to attend bible studies at the church, and I desperately missed them. To fill this void, I gathered with 3 friends in my home after the kids’ bedtime and we began doing studies together. Four years and 6 new friends later, this small group continues to grow together in knowledge of scripture, relationship with God, and loving friendship with each other. 

Starting a small group in your home may not be for you, but there is some way God is calling you to be in His word. There are some wonderful apps you can use that make it easy to fit scripture into your busy life. My favorite is the Bible app, and I was just introduced to the app She Reads Truth.  There are daily reading plans you can follow and wonderful study bibles that make reading the bible easier to apply to life, such the Life Application Study Bible, which is my go-to. 

No matter where you think you may start, I encourage you to start in prayer. Ask God, who IS love, to increase your love for His word and spark a fire in your soul to hunger for more. Call upon the Holy Spirit to bless you with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, so that you can discern what He is speaking to you through His Word. Ask the Lord to open up an opportunity for you where you will have the support of wise council and others to help you grow and hold you accountable.

In closing, I encourage you to not let fear stop you from starting. Had I let my fear of attending that first bible study stop me, I would have missed out on the life changing beauty of God’s word. There is a beautiful song by Bethel Music & Josh Baldwin called Stand in Your Love, that so beautifully reminds us that, “My fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in Your love.” So, put your fear aside, place your trust in the Lord, open your heart, and be like my mom. Say, “YES,” to the Bible! I promise you, your life will never be the same.