Will You Give it a Chance? It Will Transform Your Life!

Over the past several months, I have been rather quiet on Inspiring Through Grace. I want you to know that during this time I have continued to pray for you, my readers, and have missed sharing my heart for Jesus with you. 

Instead of sharing my heart during this time, I truly believe God was working on mine. Every time I sat down to write, I couldn’t feel the leading of the Holy Spirit, and yet another unfinished post would litter the trash bin on my computer. I share this with you because I honestly want you to know that I am committed to Inspiring Through Grace and sharing what the Holy Spirit lays on my heart. Nothing more. Nothing less

With all that said, I feel deeply in my heart today that someone needs to hear this message. I don’t know who you are, but I pray over you that when you hear the quiet, still voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart calling you, that you invite Him in and say yes.

Over the past several months I have felt God intimately calling me to seek Him more deeply. Specifically through study of holy scripture and prayer. So, not really having a clue what I was doing, I followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and set out to seek Him first with all of my heart and with all of my soul. 

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

During this time, God has graciously revealed more and more of Himself to me, and I have witnessed my personal relationship with Jesus continue to deepen in ways I could have never imagined. But beyond that, I have observed my life and relationships transform. I see changes in my marriage, my friendships, in the way I parent my children, and how I approach my job to name a few. There is not one aspect of my live that is not being affected, and there is nothing I want more than to share this life transforming relationship with everyone I meet, including yourself.

As I was reflecting back over my faith journey, I was remembering back to a time when I was 24 years old. I was invited to my first bible study by my dear friend, to whom I am eternally grateful. I vividly remember sitting in the front seat of her car holding my crisp, new bible with no idea what to expect. To say I was nervous was an understatement. At this point in my life I had attended church regularly and professed a strong faith in God; however, I had never truly read the bible on my own and I was completely unaware of what I was missing. Despite my fears, anxiety, and the excuses I could have used, I said yes to this opportunity and it has changed my life. 

I am sure that many of you reading this post have spent countless hours in the word of God, but I also have a feeling that there are some of you who have not. There are some of you, like 24-year-old me, who have never read scripture on your own and experienced the life transforming power of the word of God. Maybe you re not even sure if you believe in God. If this is you, I would like to encourage you to say yes. Despite your fears, anxiety, or million excuses, I invite you to say yes to truly getting to know God through his most precious word. 

Over the next several posts, I want to walk you through opening your bible, or bible app, and getting started reading and praying with scripture. I remember all too well how overwhelming it can seem. I remember opening my bible and having no idea where to even start. I don’t want those feelings to stop you. I pray that if you are even the least bit curious about how your life can be transformed by reading the bible that you will give it a chance and allow the Holy Spirit to work within your heart. 

Will you join me?