Distraction: The Thief of Joy & Love

This morning was “Donuts with Dad” at my daughter’s school. After my daughter’s lunch was made and backpack packed, I kissed her goodbye and sent her on her way with my husband for some quality time together before the day began.  I took a deep breath.  One down, one to go! 

I made my preschooler breakfast and was sitting at the table scrolling through Facebook while he ate, when it suddenly hit me… What was I doing? One down, one to go? I was treating my children like another check box on my to-do-list! Feed the kids, get them ready for school, take them to school, check. Once these boxes were checked I could then start my day and accomplish the million “important” things I needed to do prior to picking them up from school.

As I looked up from my phone and saw my 5-year-old sitting there quietly eating his breakfast, essentially alone, I was convicted. My heart sank, and I put my phone down. 

I proceeded to focus all of my attention on this precious little boy sitting in front of me.  We went on to have the best conversation, full of smiles and giggles. My heart was full and the joy and love I felt could have never been found on my phone.

It feels as though life is so busy these days, and I have a feeling I am not the only who feels this way. Little margin is left in life and many days are a rushed whirlwind to accomplish the items on my to-do-list. I rush in the morning to get everyone up and off to school. I rush through my day to accomplished everything that needs to be done before picking the kids up from school. We rush through dinner to get to after school activities. We rush through bedtime routines to get the kids to sleep on time. And on those days that I am not rushing through life, am I truly present? Of course there are many moments I am present, but unfortunately, all too often my mind is on the million other things going on in life, or I am simply numbing out by scrolling through social media. I could be wrong, but I can’t recall a time in the bible where Jesus rushed or was distracted from those around Him. I do recall Jesus being present, patient, and always making time to love and to meet the needs of those around Him, even if it meant going out of his way to do so.

Some days are better than others, and I do believe we need to give ourselves grace, but I also think we need to wake up to what is really going on. This morning it struck me, this is exactly what the enemy wants. He wants us busy. He doesn’t want us prioritizing relationships. He wants us distracted, because, when we are distracted by the things of this world, we are not focused on God and His will for our lives. 

“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

The enemy is so very sly, and I find that he is able to distract me with the things of this world without me even realizing that is it happening.  Often times the things I am distracted by are not bad, but they do take away from what is best. For example, our family is moving and I have been spending a lot of time dreaming about the new home God has blessed us with and the move. While I do not believe this in of itself is necessarily bad, and that it is in fact a blessing from God, when I allow it to distract me from the relationships in my life and to take priority over the Lord, it can become bad very quickly.

How does being distracted affect your life? I find that when I am distracted by things of this world I am “less.” Less loving, less patient, less kind, and less joyful. I am not at peace, but I am plagued by anxiety and worry. I am less present with my family, even when they are sitting right in front of me. I am less like the women God created me to be, and more like the world. 

I don’t know about you, but there is nothing I want more in this life than to be the women God created me to be. I also realize that we have a very real enemy that will stop at nothing to try to turn me into someone else. 

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking from someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

I am not going to grow into the woman God created me to be by being distracted by things of this world. I need to be intentional about setting my heart and mind on Jesus above all else, at all times. I need to know His truth and follow Him. 

Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37 that the greatest commandment in the Law is to, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” This is what the Holy Spirit quietly whispered to my heart this morning. Love is not just a feeling or a cliche, it is an action. He called me to put down my distractions and to love, just as He loves me.

How different would our lives, our days, and even our moments be if we truly focused on loving God and others before all else? I can tell you that after my experience this morning, I am certain my moments would be filled with more joy, love, and peace that only the Lord can provide.

Will you join me in praying that our Heavenly Father would help us to set our minds on things above, to protect us from being distracted by the many things of this world, and to give us supernatural ability to be present and loving to those around us?

May you have a blessed day, sharing the love of Christ with everyone you encounter today.

2 Replies to “Distraction: The Thief of Joy & Love”

  1. Sherri Bowser says:

    Beautifully written and so true. I think most of us check off the boxes to get through the day. Life is busy, full, and can be hectic. Rush in the morning before school. Rush when we get home. “hurry up or we’ll be late” is often spoken/yelled at our home. Not sure how to slow down exactly.

    Like so many, our cell phones have become our best friend and office at the same time. I know I need to put it down more but then an email comes in…or I need to look at my calendar..or the kid did something cute and I must share…and so much more.

    Modern day problems. But I love your prayer at the end of your article. We all need to be more present.

    Thank you and bless you!

  2. Kristy Hubert says:

    You are a wonderful woman of God and your family is blessed to have you!

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