Put on Your Jesus Glasses

It’s funny how God works sometimes, isn’t it? I sat down last week and wrote this post. In the busyness of life I typed the last period, clicked save, and there it sat on my computer for over a week. This evening God put a stiring in my heart to re-read what I had written. It was exactly what I needed at this moment, and I pray it may touch someone else’s heart as well.

Last Tuesday, after I got the kids off to school, I sat down for a few minutes of quiet time before heading off to work. My heart was heavy with anxiety and my mind swirled with the busy week that was ahead of me. Small groups, a retreat, learn to skate lessons, trunk-or-treat, Fall fest, work, and more. As I sat there wondering how I would ever be able to muster up the energy to face the week, conviction struck my heart. Why do I always look to myself? It’s a crazy cycle I repeat over and over and over. (Clearly, as I needed this message again today!)

When life gets busy, I turn my gaze inward and wonder how “I” am going to make it through the week. I begin to see my life through the lens of my own insecurity, anxiety, and weakness and everything becomes colored by these issues. When I look at my job, it becomes just something else I have to do and I don’t want to go. When I look at my kids, their needs become a chore and an inconvenience because I have so much to get done. When I look at my commitment to small groups, I become over whelmed by the time commitment and the amount of work that goes into hosting.  How I experience my life becomes colored by my insecurity, anxiety, and weakness. 

But it’s not about me. My job, my kids, my ministry, none of these things are about me. And when I make it about me, my experience of life is radically different than what I could be. 

When I look at my job through the lens of Jesus, I become excited to love and serve my patients. When I look at my kids through the lens of Jesus, I am overwhelmed by the precious gift He has given me and want to serve them out of love. When I look at my small groups through the lens of Jesus, I want to invite others into my home to encounter the overwhelming love and grace of my Heavenly Father. When I look at life through the lens of Jesus, rather than through the lens of self, my life may not change, but I certainly do. 

What are you facing today? Whether it be a busy schedule, a health issue, relationship trouble, or something entirely different, you can easily allow your entire life to be colored by it if you are not careful. Stop. Take a minute to regain your focus. As you encounter your day, realign your vision through the lens of Christ.  You will be amazed that even through your circumstances do not change, YOU will, and as a result how you experience that day will be radically different.  

One Reply to “Put on Your Jesus Glasses”

  1. Thank you. Much needed message for me today.

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